Profile - Profile™ – The ultimate data lake for flow measurement

Accurate measurement needs good measurement data. But getting high-quality measurement data isn’t easy. More often than not, the data is siloed in disparate systems scattered across the organization, with flow computers often installed at hard to reach sites with poor communications, limited bandwidth and hidden behind layers of inaccessible firewalls.

Profile™ is a new class of SCADA application, specifically designed to manage the needs of custody transfer flow measurement, providing a comprehensive platform built around the demands of the flow computer and other measurement equipment, such as meters, PLCs, RTUs, tanks, gas chromatographs and samplers. Furthermore, measurement data can now be collected at really high frequencies and at custody transfer resolution; with every piece of data individually time-tagged and stamped so it can be traced all the way back to its original source. Profile addresses all of the fundamental requirements for a technically defensible measurement system in a single easy-to-use application and without the need for any complex system engineering.

Vast amounts of primary measurement data from a wide variety of sources across the entire system pour into a centralized measurement data lake managed by Profile™, where it becomes a valuable resource on either the corporate enterprise network or the cloud. Profile™ applies expert knowledge to automatically identify anomalies to measurement, operations, accounting, loss control and management teams, zeroing in on potential issues so they can be addressed before they become serious. Data can be shared by a variety of users, applications and systems throughout the organization, finally making measurement data truly accessible and offering tangible benefits to all aspects of the business, in terms of reducing mismeasurements, improving safety and efficiency, operational savings, and transparency of best business practise.